What alcoholic drink are you drinking right now?

I have been quite moderate with my drinking over christmas so have a fair few of these available.
A bit more honeyed than ideal but OK for £1

Williams Joker IPA :thumbsup:

I’ve kinda went off Joker much prefer Caesar Augustus these days.

Twinings Spicy Chai.

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So did I, and I’ve recently gone back to Joker! I plumped for CA for so long I forgot how nice the joker was

Nothing it’s dry January :grimacing:

You need to try Oakham Ales’ Citra IPA - M&S do it if you can’t find it locally ii’s a belter.

It’s pissing down here :smirk:

Road testing the big-ass G&T ballons I got for Christmas.

no picture here

Nor here



Nabbed one of these tonight while in work - very nice :wine_glass:

Nope still not drinking :innocent:

Looks like you’ve scooped a free hornet, added zest on the tongue?


Champagne in a Premier Inn bedroom. Yin and yang.

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It does rather resemble one! We added some pink peppercorn, cardamom, juniper and hibiscus leaves.

Has a hornet drowned in there? Way to go.

Someone else spotted the hornet too. :slight_smile:

had a couple of dry martinis with this earlier


This is gorgeous.